Have you ever been afraid to hope? If you haven’t, you’re either kidding yourself or you’re a better person than most. It hard sometimes to want something so badly and yet to know that it is completely out of your control. You want to hope, but you are too afraid. Afraid that if you allow yourself to hope, to expect, to dream, that it won’t happen … that you will somehow jinx yourself. Or, as it was in my case, that I would be too devastated to function if my hope was not fulfilled. I knew I needed a miracle, a divine touch from the Almighty. But I froze. I couldn’t bring myself to ask God for a miracle, for my miracle. I have, on many occasions, petitioned God for miracles on behalf of others. But I could not bring myself to ask Him for my miracle. I confessed this to my husband and explained to him that if I asked and I was denied I wasn’t sure my faith (or my heart) could take it. I certainly would not be the first person that God denied a miracle to, Jesus Himself asked for the cup to pass from Him. So who am I, that God should choose to grant my miracle. But my brave husband, stopped then and there and asked for me. Calling on the faithfulness of God, he boldly (yet humbly) petitioned God for my miracle. And you guessed it, I got my miracle! And I am more than grateful and totally amazed. But I hope that next time, I won’t be afraid. And that is why I am telling you all of this …. I hope that you won’t be either. I want to believe, to trust, to hope. Be bold, have courage, ask for your miracle!