I can't believe I went an entire week without posting, but as I said, its been a rough week. Teething is the pits! My sweet, happy, content to do anything little monkey is miserable! Poor kid is teething, trying to walk, trying to crawl, Mom's trying to make him take a bottle, and learning to eat solids. He's too young to be this busy. Last night he put himself to bed at 5 pm!! Mommy is not adjusting well to having a grumbly baby either, its all I can take to make it until Daddy gets home some days. Fortunately, MawMaw comes to the rescue when Mommy has had enough and Daddy is still a long way off. I don't think there will ever come a day when I don't NEED my Mom. In case I haven't said it lately, "I love you, Mom!!" Sorry for the Mommy mushy moment, but if it wasn't for my Mom and my very
patient and sweet husband, I'd be in the loony bin right now. Love to you both! Here's hoping those teeth make it in SOON!!