Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Fun Times

This was the evening after his big birthday bash. I can't believe he still had so much energy. But everybody loves a good laugh with Daddy!


Anonymous said...

Not sure if its just my worksite, but can't get video to play. Anyone else having problems? GMC

Becky said...

it played at Nana's house and at mine, can you view the other videos? try it at home and let me know. Mommy

Anonymous said...

Tried this AM from HM and not luck. Just sits at "loading". Must be Georgia. GMC

Becky said...

send me your email addy and I will send it to you that way. if you don't still have mine at home you can email rebecca.kiser@gmail.com. its my junk account but I will check it to get your addy and then reply from home.