Monday, March 26, 2007

The Little Boy Handbook

does not come fully equipped. There are no timelines, only generalities and there are huge gaps of information. Like somewhere between, they pee on you and they put frogs in their pockets, they forgot to mention he will climb on tabletops. Like today for instance, I was on the phone with Nana, and LJ was playing. He walked into the kitchen and was singing. Then I heard nothing, so I go to investigate. To my horror I discover that he can now open the back door and is already half way down the stairs!!! Yes total panic did set in, after (of course) I scoooped him up and planted his little monkey feet back in the house. When did he learn to open the door? How did he get down the stairs w/o killing himself? Why doesn't this happen on Daddy's watch? ;) Well its all over now and if you ever wonder why it feels like Fort Knox when you are visiting, its LJ's fault!

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