Sunday, February 03, 2008

Updates ...

This is Cissy and Dorothy (my god-daughter and L.J.'s surrogate sister). First things first, Cissy had an upper GI. She is fine, surgically speaking anyways. I took her back to the chiropractor, she hadn't been since she was about 2 weeks old and he couldn't get her back to pop then. Well, this time it popped in 3 places. Since then she has been doing great, hardly any puking (comparatively). L.J. is awesome. He is the funnest kid ever! But he talks all-the-time! OMG!!! He is driving me crazy, but I love him. I'm out of time, Cissy is fussing and the Superbowl is on, so I need to give Daddy a break ;) Feel free to post questions or comments!
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